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Happy Easter

Happy Easter

Happy Easter!
Easter greetings 2022 from Pajmon CPT for employees and contractors.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

To all our Friends and Contractors
in the coming 2022
we want to thank you for your cooperation so far… Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Best wishes

At the magical time of Christmas to all our customers and friends we would like to express our best wishes…

Pracownicy Pajmon CPT dbają o Błękitną Planetę

Fleeting moments are like butterflies, and eco-habits should be permanent. Also check us out in the business environment

We are green-minded… Pajmon CPT for the Planet. What are you doing to be eco? (part 2)
“Earth does not belong to man, man belongs to Earth. Whatever happens to Earth will happen to man. Man has not woven the spider web of life – he is a thread in this spider web. So if he destroys the spider’s web, he destroys himself. ” Seattle chief
Check how CPT employees care for ecology. Part 2 >>> #Pajmonpomaga #PajmondlaPlanety

Anastasiia Tsarenko: A dream come true over 1000 kilometers from home

Anastasiia Tsarenko has been living in Poland for 6 years. She focused her interests towards HR, journalism, advertising and psychology. Today she works as a recruiter at Pajmon CPT.
Anastasiia Tsarenko: When she was 18, she decided to study in Poland. She felt remorseful to leave Ukraine. However, in Poland she felt really fulfilled. Anastasiia Tsarenko has very ambitious plans and goals for the future. Today she works as a recruiter at Pajmon CPT.

Wydajność pracowników z Ukrainy? Pajmon CPT wie, jak to osiągnąć.

How to improve the productivity of employees from Ukraine? CPT Pajmon will help

The productivity of Ukrainian workers is crucial in many workplaces. How to make an employee focus on productivity, be motivated, satisfied with the financial conditions and duties, organizational culture and atmosphere? Pajmon CPT has ready-made solutions.
Only in 2020, we had nearly 650,000 employees working on short contracts in Poland, lasting from several months to even three years. Interestingly, over 50 percent of the employed were Poles, but they are quickly chased by Ukrainian citizens. Our eastern neighbors could claim a greater number of man-hours worked. Does the number of days spent at work translate into higher productivity of foreigners? How can the efficiency of foreigners employed in Polish workplaces be improved? Pajmon CPT sp. z o.o. knows the prescription.

Pracownicy produkcyjni nie tylko do branży automotive

Production workers are worth their weight in gold. Pajmon CPT provides entire brigades

Don’t miss your chance and check us out. Pajmon CPT provides the employees you need
The COVID-19 pandemic is not slowing down. An invisible enemy has forced employers to turn, especially towards outsourcing services, but employee leasing is also included in the price. Uncertainty is also creeping into many production plants that struggle with staffing problems. That is why entrepreneurs are more and more willing to employ temporary workers, including the ones from Ukraine. Pajmon Temporary Employment Center sp.z o.o. fills the staffing gaps all the time, providing typical production personnel.