Our services

How can we help?


Staff outsourcing, service outsourcing and employee leasing are new forms of work that allow the entrepreneur to focus on basic production.

Hiring employees and handling the recruitment process as well as managing the hired human resources make it possible to stabilize the HR processes. The entrepreneur teaches us what he needs, and we adapt to his vision and needs. Find out more about new forms of work.

Service outsourcing

Outsourcing usług

Outsourcing is broadly speaking   commissioning an external company appropriate tasks, for which it will be responsible. Outsourcing is regulated by the Civil Code. There is no employment relationship between the Client and employees. The outsourcing company, in this case Pajmon CTP, remains formally an employer.

Outsourcing of services is the most innovative form of cooperation. It allows selecting groups of specialized workers – entire brigades perfectly profiled according to the Client’s industry. Pajmon CPT sets up a plan for the implementation of the agreed service on its own, based on its knowledge and experience of its own staff, which effectively reduces the Client’s costs related to employee management. This distinguishes the execution of services under outsourcing from other relationships between Counterparties, where the contractor receives precise instructions from the client on how to perform specific tasks.

By choosing service outsourcing, the client gains savings, because it effectively reduces the costs of overtime and full-time jobs, possible fluctuations in employment, and the Pajmon company takes responsibility for matters related to the legalization of employment as well as HR and payroll services.

Employee outsourcing

Employee outsourcing means hiring employees and entrusting Pajmon CPT with some of the duties related to the Client’s company e.g., conducting administrative, personnel and payroll activities. Thanks to this, the Client can focus on the implementation of actions related to the core business of his company, and therefore gain an advantage over the competition that devotes time, for example, to recruitment and keeping employee documentation. Pajmon CPT settles accounts with temporary workers, pays them wages, sick leave, holidays. It is also Pajmon that sends employees for periodic testing, arranges replacements, conducts all kinds of training, implements incentive systems and provides mentoring and coaching services. The staff is perfectly profiled to the needs of the Client and his industry.

Pajmon CPT is able to conduct recruiting for several different Contractors at the same time. Personnel matters are entrusted to the appropriate specialists from the Pajmon company, who have knowledge and experience, and are well versed in the current trends on the labour market. Thanks to cooperation with Pajmon CPT, you can effectively reduce costs, accelerate the recruitment process, select competent employees and, in the last step, put them into work.

Pracownik produkcji

Employee leasing

Pracownik leasing

Employee leasing focuses on temporary “lending” to the Client’s company appropriate employees, selected from a special database of candidates. These workers are delegated to perform specific tasks in the Client’s company.

The enterprise that decides to use employee leasing qualifies this service as external costs, and not as its fixed costs. Therefore, it achieves considerable savings and makes better use of staff competences in relation to the current needs of the Contractor. Thanks to Pajmon CPT, the Client gains improvement of internal processes in his company.

Thus, the Contractors do not bear any staffing obligations related to the recruitment and employment of a given employee. They also do not have to keep personal documentation or refer such worker to medical examinations. All this is provided by the Pajmon CPT.

Importantly, when hiring an employee from Pajmon CPT, three entities remain between the contracting parties:

  • an employee signing a contract with Pajmon CPT;
  • Pajmon CPT company delegating personnel to perform temporary work for and under the supervision of the user’s employer i.e., the contractor;
  • client: employer – user who is not formally the employer of the employee, but performs the duties of the employer to the extent provided for in the regulations and the agreement concluded with Pajmon CPT.

"It is not the work itself, but its purpose that makes it something special."

William Paul Young

Permanent recruitment of employees

Pajmon CPT also provides a recruitment service, which consists in finding the most competent candidate for a middle and senior position in accordance with the client’s needs. Our specialists in the field of permanent recruitment, using modern and advanced techniques to reach candidates in the recruitment process, carry out this service for you in a professional and comprehensive manner.

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