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Pracownicy produkcyjni nie tylko do branży automotive

Production workers are worth their weight in gold. Pajmon CPT provides entire brigades

Don’t miss your chance and check us out. Pajmon CPT provides the employees you need
The COVID-19 pandemic is not slowing down. An invisible enemy has forced employers to turn, especially towards outsourcing services, but employee leasing is also included in the price. Uncertainty is also creeping into many production plants that struggle with staffing problems. That is why entrepreneurs are more and more willing to employ temporary workers, including the ones from Ukraine. Pajmon Temporary Employment Center sp.z o.o. fills the staffing gaps all the time, providing typical production personnel.

Leszek Szweda, pszczelarz z Żor włącza się do akcji firmy Pajmon

Home and food that are missing. Help today – #PajmondlaPlanety

Are You who we are looking for? Join the #PajmondlaPlanety campaign and read an interview with a beekeeper from Żory about saving bees. Remember as Brian Tracy used to say: Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. The losers always ask: What will you give me for this? Are you just a receiver or can you share with others?